Prayer Tower Ministries

Women's Ministry

Our Mission:

To support and empower each other physically, intellectually, emotionally, financially, and most importantly, spiritually. We are a beacon of virtue, wisdom, hope and love in our homes and communities through a strict adherence to the teachings of Christ.
Women's Ministry Auxiliaries
Women's Choir Sister Patricia McNeal & Sister Cassandra Goins
Shelter Ministry 1st Lady Rita Dorris Sister Linda Martin Sister Brenda Wood
Nurse Unit Sister Charlotte Box Sister Diana Fulford
Intercessory Prayer Missionary Monica Sampleton
Singles Ministry Sister Valerie Booker-Edwards
Nursing Home Mother Mary Knight
Morning Gems Mother Mary Knight
GLOW (49 and Under) Sister Christie Knight
Hospitality Sister April Amos

First Lady Rita Dorris
Women's Ministry, Chairperson
Sewing Circle Sister Brenda Wood