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Ministerial Staff

Elders & Ministers

Elder Van Sampleton - Senior Associate Pastor

Elder Demmond Dorris - Executive Pastor

Elder M. L. Floyd - Hospital Care Ministry

Elder Jeremiah Edwards - Chief Adjutant

Elder Mark Reed

Elder Andrew Smith

Elder Delores Hampton

Elder Lynette Samuel

Minister Angela Hayes

Minister Johnny McNeal

Evangelist Evelyn Richard


Deacon Billy Hamilton, Sr. - Chairman

Deacon Anthony Knight

Deacon Eddie Jones

Deacon Ronald Samuel

Deacon Grover Alexander

Deacon George Bonner

Deacon Billy Knight

Deacon Noel Brass


Mothers Board

Mother Meridith Beene - Church Mother

Mother Vickie Coble

Mother Jeffie Dorris

Mother Gloria Edwards

Mother Betty Booker

Mother Iora Bolton

Mother Freida Kimble

Mother Mary Knight

Mother Sarah Hamilton

Mother Deidra Hill

Mother Vernice Moffett

Mother Darlene Ooten

Mother Christine Wilcher

Mother Annie Wood


Business Office

Elder Demmond Dorris - Business Manager

Administrative Office

Sis. Cameshia Dorris - Church Administrator/Graphic/Web  Designer

Evangelist Evelyn Richard - Church Administrator

Sis. Wendy Russell - Graphic/Web Designer


Event Planning

Sis. Ivory Crosby - Chairperson

Sis. Tamekia Moore - Event Committee

Bro. Billy Hamilton, Jr. - Facility Manager


Marriage Ministry

Nurses Unit


Usher Board

Singles Ministry


We Care (Homeless Shelter)


Sunshine Band

Sewing Circle

Intercessory Prayer

GLOW ( God Loving Obedient Women 49 & under)

Women's Choir

Nursing Home Ministry

Media Ministry

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